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45 record(s)
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  • This index can be used for agricultural drought hazard.

  • The ISO19115 metadata standard is the preferred metadata standard to use. If unsure what templates to start with, use this one.

  • This modelling software can be used to simulate soil moisture conditions and/or crop growth, and drought impacts on agriculture.

  • This modelling software can be used to simulate groundwater flow and estimate groundwater supplies.

  • This index can be used to determine and characterizesocio-economic drought hazard.

  • This index can be used to determine and characterizehydrological andsocio-economic drought hazards.

  • This index can be used to determine and characterizedrought impact to population,drought impact to municipal and industrial water needs, anddrought impact to hydropower.

  • This modelling software can be used to simulate rainfall and runoff to estimate streamflows.

  • This modelling software can be used to simulate soil moisture conditions and/or crop growth, and drought impacts on agriculture.

  • This modelling software can be used to simulate soil moisture conditions and/or crop growth, and drought impacts on agriculture.